Sunday, December 04, 2005

Views from the left (coast)

Another day, another flight.

Hayduke’s tour of the U.S. continues, this time coming to you from the West Coast. San Francisco, to be exact.

Thankfully, the flight wasn’t bad (well, aside from the fact that with a stop in Kansas City I spent 9 hours in the same seat) and I abstained from my usual airplane “medication.”

I’ll be here all week, but through the wonder of the Internet, you won’t notice a difference. In fact, I may even have a chance to write more here than I would at home. I’m not making any promises, though.

I’m sure right now local news stations are broadcasting non-stop about the looming snowstorm, which I am very sad to be missing.

Here’s to hoping it snows enough that everything shuts down on Tuesday. If so, throw some snowballs at passing cars for me. I’ll pick up the slack when I get home.

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