Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Tuesday Round Up: Truncated Edition...

Nothing good ever happens in an introduction, so let’s just get on with it…


When I first read this headline -- "“Lawyer drops his client accused of cheating the elderly, disabled" --– I thought," “wow, a defense attorney with a sense of morality."” Then, I read that the lawyer in question represented Linda Tripp, and I thought, “"OK, everyone makes mistakes."” Then, I read this: "“'The defendant has failed to make any effort to satisfy the financial obligation that he agreed to ... .' [Attorney Josheph] Murtha wrote.”" Turns out the guy accused of scamming money from seniors and disabled people wrote his lawyer a bad check. I'm neither surpsied nor saddened by this development.

HoCoBlog is asking readers "Who will be the next county executive?" Vote here. The results, thus far, are pretty surprising.

And now, a few off topic things that caught my eye...

Not that it really matters to shoppers in our county, but Whole Foods is going to stop selling lobsters and soft shell crabs because, according to The Sun " it “could not guarantee the crustaceans are treated humanely on their journey from ship to supermarket aisle."” Ha! Does this mean that plucking a lobster from its natural habitat and throwing it -- alive -- into a boiling pot of water counts as "humane" treatment?

Finally, as if you needed it, another reason why dogs are better than cats.


Anonymous said...

Of course, because the accused do not deserve a fair trial. Tell us all, why do you hate America?

Anonymous said...

HoCoBlog's poll appears to be pretty much meaningless since:
- the results (thus far) are so low as to be statistically invalid
- such online polls are *very* easy to affect (no way to know if someone has voted many many times)

Anonymous said...

Ahem. Let's be clear. It is not a scientific poll. If you actually look at it you will note the disclaimer. I have seen emails from all three camps pushing people to vote on the poll. It is easily manipulated but just for fun.